About James Head

About James Head
James Head was born and educated in the UK; and has an honours degree in education from Exeter University. For many years he has been a committed philosopher, and his life now revolves around sharing 'real' Greek philosophy with others. He regularly speaks and writes on the essential ideas of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle. James has lived in Greece for many years, in both Athens and Ancient Delphi where he feels 'philosophically at home’. These days he divides his time between Delphi, London and Athens.

Philosophy Walks and Talks in Athens

Philosophy Talks and Walks in Athens, Delphi, London for the last 12 years, and now “online”.

See meetup.com group for bigger audience talks; and James’ Philosophy Talks and Walks for talks for smaller groups and individuals.

Welcome to James' Philosophical Agora - James' Meeting Place On-Line. Blog posts on various subjects follow below. (Scroll down to bottom for links / lables and more.)

Sunday, May 3, 2015

The Big Greek Export They Stoped Making

In hindsight, one has to ask why Greece stopped making one very special and successful export it had – and sold in vast quantities around the world just 11 years ago. Yes; I am talking about little bits of paper with the word “Drachmae” printed on them which many people from around the world for some reason all wanted and were happy to pay for in GB pounds, US dollars, Japanese yen and many other leading currencies. Whether an American wanted a beer in Crete, or an English man wanted a hotel room in Thessaloniki; they both needed to effectively have these little bits of paper with “Drachmae” on them to pay for the items.

When times were good – and lots of tourists wanted these bits of paper – the Greek Government could choose to print a few more of them – and this was very useful to exchange for foreign currency to pay for all sorts of things, and indeed to pay a few bills back home as well.

These days, the only way the Greek Government has to get a little more money is to ask Angela Merkel and the rest of her cronies if they can borrow some euros – which will need repaying and with interest.

Any independent nation state needs a language and culture, a land to call its own, and an independent currency that it has control over. Solving Greece’s economic problems over the medium and long term is not a question about shall we have the euros, shall we have the drachmae, can we borrow more money to add to the mountain of debt that we already cannot afford to repay. It’s about taking control of its own currency and money supply again. For this to happen – there is only one logical solution, and that is definitely not borrowing more euros – which is only a bad fix in the very short term.


Football Clubs as major ‘Engines of Positive Social Change’

I once heard a premier league football manager giving a very frank interview on the radio. The perceptive interviewer asked him why it wa...

Life Choices - Important Tips from Socrates, Plato and Aristotle (New Edition 2019)

Life Choices - Important Tips from Socrates, Plato and Aristotle (New Edition 2019)
Click on Book Cover Above for More Details

Philosophy, Politics, Coffee - or perhaps and a Little Greek Salad

Philosophy, Politics, Coffee - or perhaps  and a Little Greek Salad

New Edition of Book

Life Choices – Important Tips from Socrates, Plato and Aristotle

Knowing about some of the ideas of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle can help us all make better life choices today – and live happier and more fulfilling lives. Available as eBook and paperback. Audio version available Autumn 2020. (Regular free offers for eBook)

For young travellers, new philosophers, and older searchers…

Contemplative Philosophy
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